Why the battle to equip job seekers and satisfy employers is so hard to win.
The boxes you have to check don't always add up to preparing people for jobs they'll keep and love.
You're fighting staff turnover, a huge mix of soft and hard skill challenges, and a collection of mismatched resources that just aren't keeping up.
Getting a job doesn't mean finding a future. Job seekers who don't discover a career fail more often and can't find passion for work.
Your agency must build stronger connections between the right workers — with the right skills— and the positions that employers need to fill.
When it's all working together, the outcome is powerful for job seekers, employers, and your community. But the equation means getting staff the new tools that fit with today's workplace realities.
You need an easy-to-implement system, up-to-date resources based in the real world, and staff training that equips and inspires your staff to do this vital work. Plus, it has to work consistently and flexibly with all types of clients.
...rely on old models and methods that haven't worked for a decade. They might feel "safe," but they won't deliver lasting success.
Discover the modern methods your agency can use to develop careers for high-barrier job seekers in the same time it took to find a job.
There is a modern way to help job seekers — even those with significant barriers. Learn about our discovery for motivating clients and satisfying employers in the same time it takes to simply find a job.