There's a modern way to place job seekers.

We're all tired of the treadmill. Stale trainings and online checklists won't get the job done.

How We Discovered the Keys to Transforming Work


It's got to be a real-world, up-to-date, agency-wide approach that propels job seekers toward a career they love.

A system tailored for your agency — built on proven principles — that inspires job seekers with passion and equips staff with tools that work no matter how tough the barriers.

Real-world solutions

 ...prepare job seekers for the demands of today's employers, because they prepare people to win in the modern workplace.

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  • Created with Lunacy
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An approach tailored to your community essential because your community, your team, and your job seekers face unique challenges within your local culture. You don't need cookie-cutter solutions, you need a right fit — just like your job seekers.

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Careers have to connect to passion

...for people who want to find a bigger future. And that connection should happen in the same amount of time you would normally help them find a job. 

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Marketplace-driven is essential give job seekers the skills and mindset to think like the employer. They'll succeed with tools and training that line up with current market demands.

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Unique for your community

...means that local priorities and challenges are built into the process and resources that you deliver to job seekers.

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Beyond jobs, a focus on careers

...fuels greater job seeker motivation and success to engage the workplace with confidence and hope.

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Reframe for employer's mindset

...prepares job seekers to think like the employer so that they understand how to succeed in the culture of work.

Placing people in careers they love and serving employers with right-fit hires allows us to excel in the work we came here to do.

Nothing holding us back, and no career barrier too big. Delivering real help, agency-wide to propel job seekers forward.

Putting It All Together

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Almost 6 months after the WorkNet training, the lessons continue to impact and improve my work with clients daily.

brenda ploss
Brenda Ploss

North Carolina

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I now have the tools to feel more confident when working with our clients, both one-on-one and in workshop situations. I truly feel I learned more about the career development process in the 5-day training than I did in working nine years in a career center at a major university.


maryann profeta
MaryAnn Profeta

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Many job seekers are on overdrive in today’s very tough job market. What they need is real-world, creative ideas that can be put into action now. Elisabeth and Debra have written the one book that offers true insight and impact so many of us need – and they have done it all in a style that is easy and breezy to read.  Masterful and magical!

jeri rosen
Jerri Rosen

about No One Is Unemployable

Explore a Tailored Solution for Your Agency and Team

Get the right fit with strategy you can use, tools that power through barriers, and training that moves everyone forward.